Hello! I’m Jody Ghani Nordby.
I’m an animation director, illustrator and painter, with a BA in Character Animation from The Animation Workshop.
Before switching to the visual arts, I earned an MScEE in Acoustics and worked as a research assistant in the Sound Quality Research Unit at Aalborg University, as well as working as an engineer at Bang & Olufsen and Oticon.
I now specialise in using animation and illustration to disseminate subjects within science, health, education and culture while at the same time developing my own artistic practice. Sometimes the two (or three) worlds collide and magic happens.
Originally from the UK, I now live and work in Viborg, Denmark.
I’d love to hear from you (in Danish or English!)
JodyPrody v/Jody Ghani Nordby
c/o Arsenalet, Kasernevej 8, DK-8800 Viborg, Denmark
CVR: DK35368027