Graphic Recording


We remember 80% of what we see, 20% of what we read and 10% of what we hear. 65% of us learn best visually and we process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. That’s a lot of statistics. But basically…


Graphic recording (also known as graphic facilitation or scribing) is a wonderful way to engage an audience, help them remember information presented to them, aid them in understanding each others points of view, as well as being a great tool for gathering them and starting a conversation.


As a graphic recorder, I come to your event – it could be a conference, seminar, workshop or just a meeting, and as a fly on the wall (with ears) I listen to the presentations, discussions and questions while drawing live on a large piece of paper displayed on easels next to the speaker.

When I’m drawing, I’m distilling the information into little nuggets that I illustrate with simple illustrations combined with text, and structure the material in a visual hierarchy that represents the journey the speaker takes.

Then what?

After the event, the drawing is photographed and can be sent out to the participants as a kind of visual minutes from the day.

I also work digitally, where it’s possible to project the drawing live, or simply receive the finished drawing at the end of the session.

Let me see!

Below are some examples of how I’ve used graphic recording and visualisation for various events and projects.

Contact me and we’ll find out how we can use graphic recording for your next event.

Danske Parkdage Conference 2023.

Participants arrived back from three excursions and I made a graphic recording of their findings during the debriefing and discussion, on one large piece of paper.

Health D360 Kick-Off, Aarhus University

Live digital graphic recording. This was made digitally and projected on the main screen after the talks, as well as sent out to participants after the conference.

VAF Connect

Live graphic recording at the Viborg Animation Festival 2019. Four speakers covering subjects such as pre-vis in the animation industry, graphic facilitation and the use of animation in companies.

Demenskonference VIA UC Aarhus

Live digital graphic recording. A whole-day conference with ten short presentations on the theme of Dementia. This was made digitally and projected on the main screen during the breaks, as well as sent out to participants after the conference.

TED Talk (Practice)

Digital graphic recording for training purposes. This was made digitally while listening several times to a TED talk on The Happy Secret to Better Work.

Afskedsreception, VIA UC

Digital graphic recording during a farewell reception for a treasured employee, including several speeches by colleagues and the employee herself. This was made digitally and projected live on a screen while the talks were taking place, so participants could see the drawing being created live.

Denmark in Balance, Skivemødet

Live graphic recording on foam panel during a citizens meeting in Skive, Denmark. Participants received the drawing digitalised afterwards. 1/2

Large groups of young people joined in on a ‘conversation cafe’ during the day and I walked around listening to their conversations, taking notes and translating them to small illustrations, which I collected on a separate panel. 2/2

Welfare technology convention, Viborg Kommune

I walked around the fair taking notes about the different products and initiatives on show, going back to a large sheet of paper to record them in images and text, and later included a summary of a some live presentations into one dynamic illustration of the whole day.

Visualisation of research

During a short matchmaking session between researchers and artists, at the SciVi conference in Viborg, I took visual notes as a researcher explained his topic of research to me. I then cleaned it up and made this digital summary of the conversation.

Future Pod Life: Halmstad University

Visualisation of a future scenario used as preparatory materials for participants in an upcoming workshop about living labs. This was unlike the ‘live’ graphic recording, in that it was developed over time before the event.

Visualisation of case study, Halmstad University

A digital visualisation of a case study of a citizen type for use in workshops about living labs in experimental ethnographic methods at Halmstad University, Sweden. Based on text descriptions, created ‘non-live’