Comics for Gooooood!
NewsLast weekend I had the privilege to take part in the first ever Comics For Good jam here at Arsenalet in Viborg. The aim was to spend a weekend...

Mural in the papers
NewsA couple of weeks ago I painted a mural in the new Thai Take-Away at Familiecafeen on Vestervangsvej here in Viborg. It was quite an experience, a lot of...

A lovely short film in production
NewsYeahh! Spent a lovely afternoon drawing and photoshopping with the talented Sarah from the DROPS team. A beautifully touching animated short film in the making here at Arsenalet. Go...

Ekko shortlist
NewsI got some exciting news this crispy morning while having a really good getting-things-done morning at the office… that my short film from 2013 - Verdens Lykkeligste By /...

Featured in Blazing Squids
NewsSo happy to be feautred in the latest edition of Blazing Squids!! Thanks guys! Artwork from students past and present of the big cuddly Animation Workshop Family that I'm...

My new shared office at Arsenalet
NewsWorking working on some meeting room signs at my new desk in my shiny new shared office at Arsenalet! So happy to be sharing with some lovely ladies: Ditte,...

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
NewsI’ve been working on a series of illustrations of the nursery rhyme “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” and having a lot of fun with it! It’s still very much a work...